Sunday, June 29, 2008

This, That & a new 'Do'

So, its been awhile since I last blogged. Not much has been going on, Snack Pack, Me & Stace drove down to Vegas to move Stace.. LONG drive but fun! Stace cracks me up! We ate at In-n-Out in St George, YUM

Then last week Snack Pack & I drove up to Manti for the Manti Pageant, it was nice.

Worked, worked worked: Got a REAL nice tan from all that workin, AND a REAL nice Farmers tan on my legs, yeah!

Last night The Pack and I went to Taylorsville dayzz and watched the fireworks:
Awesome! I heart fireworks so much!

I also decided to add a little blonde to myself for the summer:

Thats about it! More stuff to come!

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Orange County... The O.C... Newport Beach

Snack Pack & I went there yesterday.
Neither of us had ever been there & his daughter was going with some friends
so he invited me to fly down & kick it for the day.
We got to the airport, nice by the way, its called the John Wayne Airport :)
His daughter & her friends went one way and we went another. I didnt know about this trip till the night before and I'm usually the one who finds out about the town and plans a little so we know what we're gonna do. Snack Pack was in charge of this one...he had no plan lol. It was a little rough at first cause we knew nothing about where we were or what there was to do, (we had 6hrs to kill).
We decided to fill our bellies at the ihop across the street first & plan our attack of the O.C..

We jumped on the city bus and rode it! We ended up at a stop on Avocado & somethin and started walkin towards the ocean.
We walked alot! It is SO pretty there, and CLEAN! lol
Not at all what I'm used to seeing in California!

Oh my goodness how I LOVE the ocean! I cannot express in words the love I have! The smell, the sounds!

For not 'planning' anything, this was such a GREAT day!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Frisco Aftermath...

You know how I told you about all that walking me & Snack Pack did?
Yeah well:

I guess the 'bright side' of this is that my Farmers Tan moved up! lol

Wear Sunscreen Kids!

Rice-a-Roni Town

Me & Snack Pack went to San Francisco!

We got there Wed evening rode around on the BART for a little bit, ate dinner & watched the movie "Definetly, Maybe". Pretty good movie.

Thursday We took the BART to the Pier and walked up to Fishermans Wharf (Pier 39) to eat and look around.

I put my nose to work! I LOVE the salty smell of the ocean!
It brings a wave of peace & calm over me like nothing else can.
I did ALOT of inhaling!There's a bunch of these platforms with seals on them. They just laid around barking and pushing each other off into the water:

This is the Golden Gate Bridge:

We ate at a place called the Wipeout Bar & Grill

I wanted to try something 'different' so I had the fried shark bites.
Nothing but glorified fish sticks haha

Snack Pack had Fried Calamari, I've also never had that: I liked it

There was so much more to see & do, we just didnt have enough time! There's still the Ripleys Believe it or not Museum, Ghirardelli Factory, the Sourdough factory, a Carousel, the Trolley, Lomard Street, Alcatraz, Chinatown & Little Italy, SO SO much stuff to see & do!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


I woke up one morning REALLY early, laid down on my couch, curled up under a blanket & turned on the TV. I stopped on HSN... Have you ever watched this? I watch HSN & QVC all the time, just to see the cool things you can buy. Well, this particular morning, Toni Brattin was on.
I like watching Toni, she's got alot of energy & is real 'peppy'.
So, she was going on about her hair pieces and was talking about summer and when its hot outside & maybe you're sweaty and your hair falls flat and wouldn't it be nice to have beautiful curly locks all summer long? "Yes it really would" I said out loud. So I did it. I bought hair. It was on sale AND had free shipping so pretty much I felt it was destiny....

See, you can even tell! lol I was gonna wear it to work but then had a horrible image of me driving behind a plane and getting blasted with air and my 'hair' flying off! hahahahaha
I'm not gonna tell you when I wear it, we'll see if you even notice!
I think its gonna be a 'good hair day' all summer long!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Princess!!

Today is the Princess' Birthday!
We had a lovely birthday dinner at mom & dads with
hambugers, corn on the cob, potato salad and watermelon & grapes.
For the birthday dessert... chocolate peanut butter ice cream from Baskin Robbins! YUM!

I LOVE my sister so much! She is hilarious & always makes me happy! She lets me vent or cry or be mad or whatever & loves me anyways!
She is my favorite sister and I am grateful every day that I have her in my life!

Happy Birthday Stace, I LOVE YOUR GUTS!