Saturday, June 13, 2009

Updates and General Info.. zzzzzzz

Things are busy. crazy, good & bad so I decided to give you the jist of whats goin on over here....

Where to start? Oh yes yes, YES... My sweet husband surprised me with a massage! At a Japanese spa! Be quiet! I have never had a massage in all my days and WOW that was SOOO relaxing! Work is kicking my butt on a regular basis and this felt so, so nice! Unfortunately the efforts of an awesome massage chick were quickly wiped away the next day :)

I finished Spring quarter at school with some pretty good grades and just started Summer session last week. Let me tell you I DO NOT like pre-req's! They are a pain! I'm fine takin them but you cant register for them until the grades from the 'pre' part are in and by that time the class you want to take is full, so even though I can register for fall classes now, I have to wait until summer classes are done and grades are turned in to be able to...aarrrgghh. (Ok,vent over)

Speaking of school, the boy (which we lovingly call him) graduated from 6th grade! I find it interesting that they dont call it a graduation but a Promotion... He's been promoted to middle school in the fall, whoo hoo! We're very proud of him:

And to round out the last few weeks, Pat has been on a mission, a BBQ mission. More specifically he is searching for the perfect rub, sauce, smoke, cooking regimend that will give him the BEST bbq! Watching the Food Channel, looking at how to's on Youtube and recipes online. WELL, last week he decided to give it a try, a dash of this, a sprinkle of that, rub rub rub... Oila! BBQ!
He was SOO excited!
He bbq'd for HOURS!

Yeah, they burned lol BAD

1 comment:

Cristin said...

awww what a sweet hubby!!! Lucky girl.

Mmmmm bbq...thanks for making me hungry.