Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Laid To Rest

We had a little "service" for grandpa today.... Aunt vickie took some of his ashes in a little acrylic box. Mom & Stacey said a couple of nice memories, they put him next to grandma & then we had a nice luncheon at mom & dads ward. It was a sad day but a nice day...

Monday, October 29, 2007

Trick or Treat Street

Tonight I got to help out at "Trick or Treat Street" with my singles ward over at the Expo Center. They set it up like a town and kids went from door to door trick or treating. It was so fun! At one point I was doing 2 doors at the same time and a big group came, as I gave them their candy they would go to the next door (which I was also doing) and were waiting for someone to come. I ran over to answer the next door and a little boy said "Were you upstairs"? Yep, thats why I took so long! haha A little while later another little boy said "Is that your sister next door?" Uh huh! hahaha

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Packin Up

Today Aunt Vickie, Mom, Me, Stacey & Brian went to Grandpas to pack up his apartment. Grandpa had already said who got some stuff, but the rest was up for grabs. We went through the rooms and picked what we wanted and took the rest to D.I.. It's was kinda weird to be going through his stuff knowing we wont be seeing him anymore. On a brighter note, I love spending time with my brother & sister! I think they are SOOO funny (Even if Bri was super crabby in the begining)! I wish we could hang out together more.. I sure love them!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Bye Grandpa..

This morning my grandpa passed away. It was very peaceful. Mom & Aunt Vickie called Aunt Kittie and let her talk to grandpa and about 3 minutes after she hung up he passed. I think he wanted to hear from her before he could leave. I know he is at peace and is happy with my grandma and all his loved ones that have gone on before. Love You Grandpa...

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

My Sweet Tooth

I have a need to buy candy... no really, a NEED. I get on these kicks where I've GOT to have a supply (just in case). Mind you, I dont really WANT all this candy, I just feel like I need to have it close by. Right now, I have absolutely no desire to eat it, but I make sure I have some in close reach wherever I go. If you ever want something sweet, come find me...

Monday, October 22, 2007

I'm such a follower...

Thanks Jamie & Stace... Just to warn everyone, I have no life, this blog will be boring. :)
But, I like the journal idea so I'm gonna go for it!