I really , REALLY need to organize my time better so that I can get all my school work done and get good grades
I'm grateful I wasnt born with any deformities
We started the paperwork to cancel my previous sealing in November and we're still waiting, I hope its ready for Pat and I to be sealed by our anniversary in March
I like valentines and St Patricks day better than Christmas
In fact, I think I like all the holidays more than Christmas... except Thanksgiving, thats last
I wish I didnt wait so long to go back to school
I'm glad I went back to school
I wonder if I could pull off the "50's" look
I really want to do something different with my hair
I'm excited to wear scrubs
I have great veins
I cant wait for the sun to come out and it to get warm again
If I had to go through all the trials and heartbreak from my past again to meet and marry Patrick I would do it in a heartbeat
I love the quiet
I sure love my mom.... and I miss her alot
One of my resolutions this year was to stop baking for pleasure and just bake when I had to for some event.... I baked 3 times this year already but now I dont have anything until the 31st... I'm already having withdrawls lol
I wish I had more money, shoot, I wish I just had enough money lol
I hate being on my period... I need chocolate
Sound like a reason to bake I think
I'm enjoying the kids more, I'm glad
School starts Monday. I cant wait to be done so I can have skills
I want to learn how to make chunky bracelets and necklaces
I'm tired... Goodnight