Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Day 2

Sometimes you have to think really hard about what you're thankful for on a particular day.
Today was one of those times.
Today was rough... no, today really sucked.
It was one thing after another all day and I kept thinking to myself
"What are you gonna say you're thankful for tonight?".

I think what I'm thankful for today IS tonight.

I'm grateful that when I have a crappy day, the night comes and I can lay in my bed and sleep. I can take a deep breath and pass out, knowing that tomorrow will be better (hopefully)


Cristin said...

awww I hate tough days like that but at least it helps you appreciate better days.

BTW, I'm TOTALLY thankful for sleeping.

Princess said...

Sometimes that IS the only thing to be thankful for in a day! That is why you should treat yourself to the best darn bed there is!