Monday, February 4, 2008

Any Help...

I want a cool blog with no link bars!
I get the jist of the whole layout thing but if someone could steer me in the right direction & give me some pointers as to where I can get some cool backgrounds, that would rock. Thanks!


All About M.E.('s) said...

I agree-I'm not a fan of the pyzam link either. I love their backgrounds, but the link bar ruins it. There is, but it is getting a little trendy. There are some cute ones, but it starts to get annoying when four or five of the blogs the blogs that you frequent regularly have the same background. I've tried doing searches for blog layouts, but I haven't found anything. Anyway, basically I have nothing. Let me know if you come up with anything.

Alice said...

I make mine, (the Rookie, LovingtheChaos, and Our so called life's as well), with scrapbook paper I use for digitalscrapbooking. If you don't have those supplies there are ways around this. Here are some tiles( you can use, and I am sure there are other places, that look pretty cool. I either upload the a whole paper into photobucket so it has an online address to add to the html format (I really hoope you are following me :) or I create a layout (similar to what is on Our so called life's) into photobucket and use it for the whole background, rather than as a tile.

I also use ( ( for RGB color codes to change font colors and what not.

Does that make sense?

My other tip is ALWAYS press preview when you mess with any of the crazy codes and double check what it did. If you don't like what it did or can't tell what it did, clear edits and try something else. When it does something that makes you happy, save it one step at a time. I know that is time consuming, but it is best...I promise.

There are my tips I have picked up from other bloggers, google, and trial and error :) Good luck making a new template. I can't wait to see what you come up with. If I can do anything else to help you figure these things out, I am totally happy to help where I can. I promise however, I am nowhere near the expert ;).

Hope this helps.

JackieSue said...

WHAT IN THE WORLD!??!?!?!?! You have a blog and no one's told me? Is this Stephanie? If not, I'm a total stalker right now!!! But dude...if it's you... visit my blog and let me know because I gotta hear from you. Also, to answer your questions... I have lots of tips if you'd like my input...but it's too complicated for a "comment" area. Crazy! I'm so happy for you. You sound so cheerful and happy. I hope it's you and not some stranger! Ok bye

JackieSue said...

P.S...for starters... "alice" meantioned that she uses scrapbook paper for hers and said "if you don't have that option..." well you do. And I'm sure you already know, but if not... there's TONZ of digital scrapbooking websites that offer FREEBIES so if you don't already know of any...I'm here to tell em to ya...

Those are the ones that I've found that I really like...
So start with downloading something you like if you don't already have some saved, and then I'm going to tell you what else to do if you didn't figure it out, so even if you are a stranger, I'd love to help. Ok bye for now...